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A Mobile Exoskeleton Control System Using Electromyographic Signals from Human Muscles

A Mobile Exoskeleton Control System Using Electromyographic Signals from Human Muscles

Khoruzhko М.А., Sesekin G.N., Boldyreva N.V., Shamshin М.О., Kаstalskiy I.А., Mironov V.I., Pimashkin A.S., Kazantsev V.B.
Key words: surface electromyography; neurointerface; neurorehabilitation; intelligent assistive device; exoskeleton.
2017, volume 9, issue 4, page 162.

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The aim of the study was to develop a wireless system of registration and analysis of electromyographic (EMG) signals from human muscles to provide intelligent assistance to patients with motor disorders.

Results. Single-channel and four-channel systems for translating muscle tension signals into exoskeleton control commands and control algorithms have been developed and tested. They have an advantage in mobility, portability and availability of wireless EMG signal sensors-amplifiers (myographs). Experimental testing of both systems has demonstrated a high quality of EMG signal and the ability of proportional actuator control. The mobile myographic can be applied in the field of functional diagnosis, neurointerfaces, medical rehabilitation, assistive devices, control systems, and gaming applications.

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Khoruzhko М.А., Sesekin G.N., Boldyreva N.V., Shamshin М.О., Kаstalskiy I.А., Mironov V.I., Pimashkin A.S., Kazantsev V.B. A Mobile Exoskeleton Control System Using Electromyographic Signals from Human Muscles. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2017; 9(4): 162,

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