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Alternative Contrast Mechanism in Optical Coherence Tomography: Temporal Speckle Synchronization Effects

Alternative Contrast Mechanism in Optical Coherence Tomography: Temporal Speckle Synchronization Effects

Demidov V., Demidova O., Shabunin A., Vitkin I.A.
Key words: medical imaging; optical coherence tomography; speckle; synchronization; image contrast; image processing; tissue characterization; temporal decorrelation.
2018, volume 10, issue 1, page 39.

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We propose an alternative optical coherence tomography (OCT) contrast mechanism based on analysis of speckle temporal synchronization using B-mode OCT structural images. We show that the changes in synchronized speckle intensities with time may be used to distinguish between different tissue types, thus providing a novel and potentially useful contrast for OCT imaging. The developed methodology is tested in scattering flow phantoms, and in vivo on cervical cancer tumour grown within a mouse dorsal skin window chamber model. Derived speckle synchronization metric is compared with autocorrelation function analysis to demonstrate its different nature. The phantom and pre-clinical in vivo results suggest that the proposed synchronization approach is sensitive to tissue type/pathology, potentially enabling tumour quantitative evaluation and its delineation from surrounding normal tissues.

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Demidov V., Demidova O., Shabunin A., Vitkin I.A. Alternative Contrast Mechanism in Optical Coherence Tomography: Temporal Speckle Synchronization Effects. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2018; 10(1): 39,

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