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A Complex Approach to Glossalgia Treatment Based on the Current Data on the Specificity of Its Etiopathogenesis

A Complex Approach to Glossalgia Treatment Based on the Current Data on the Specificity of Its Etiopathogenesis

Ellaryan L.K., Kazarina L.N., Shevchenko E.A.
Key words: glossalgia; glossalgia treatment.
2018, volume 10, issue 2, page 135.

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The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of a novel complex approach to glossalgia treatment based on the current data on the specificity of its etiopathogenesis.

Materials and Methods. 58 patients with glossalgia aged 42–55 years have been examined and treated. The condition of the capillary blood flow was determined by laser Doppler flowmetry. At the laboratory stage, such indices of the local immunity in the oral cavity as sIgA, IgA, IgG, and lysozyme have been investigated, and the coefficient of local immunity factors balance has also been calculated.

Results. Of 58 patients receiving our complex etiopathogenetically justified treatment, complete recovery has been reached in 39 individuals and significant improvement in 19.

Conclusion. Introduction of preparations improving microcirculation and normalizing metabolic processes in glossalgia treatment results in more rapid and long-term effect.

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Ellaryan L.K., Kazarina L.N., Shevchenko E.A. A Complex Approach to Glossalgia Treatment Based on the Current Data on the Specificity of Its Etiopathogenesis. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2018; 10(2): 135,

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