A Functional Electrical Stimulation System for Integration in an Exoskeleton
Currently, there are no exoskeletons with an integrated functional electrical stimulation (FES) system presented on a medical market except for stationary systems.
The aim of the study was to develop FES system, which can be initially integrated in a lower limb exoskeleton to provide the best compatibility and synchronization of the system operation with exoskeleton joints when a patient is moving.
Results. We have developed FES system and the approach to integrate it in an exoskeleton. FES provides for simultaneous work of 2–4 stimulation channels, each of which supports the setting of signal parameters (frequency, amplitude, duration). On-off stimulation time depends on a walking cycle determined by the gait classification algorithm. The presence of synchronizing signals for the left and the right sides provides FES coordinated operation in both lower limbs of a patient. The sphere of application of an exoskeleton with an integrated FES is medical rehabilitation.
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