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Current Technologies for the Prevention of Parastomal Herniation (Review)

Current Technologies for the Prevention of Parastomal Herniation (Review)

Yanishev A.A., Bazaev A.V., Kokobelyan A.R., Abelevich A.I.
Key words: parastomal hernia; intestinal stoma; colostomy; ileostomy; mesh endoprosthesis.
2018, volume 10, issue 3, page 175.

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In today’s colorectal surgery, the number of ostomy patients is steadily increasing. The creation of a stoma often leads to the development of a parastomal hernia, which, in turn, can cause serious complications and prevent full rehabilitation of the patient. Most often, parastomal hernias are formed within two years after surgery, but the possibility of herniation still exists throughout the entire postoperative period.

In the present review, we describe the up-to-date methods used to prevent parastomal hernias as well as the results of clinical studies and meta-analyses. When discussing the surgical techniques, emphasis is put on their safety, efficacy and economic rationale.

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Yanishev A.A., Bazaev A.V., Kokobelyan A.R., Abelevich A.I. Current Technologies for the Prevention of Parastomal Herniation (Review). Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2018; 10(3): 175,

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