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The Capabilities of Interference Microscopy in Studying the <i>in vitro</i> State of Erythrocytes Exposed to Low-Intensity Laser Radiation for Stress Correction

The Capabilities of Interference Microscopy in Studying the in vitro State of Erythrocytes Exposed to Low-Intensity Laser Radiation for Stress Correction

Deryugina A.V., Ivashchenko M.N., Ignatiev P.S., Talamanova M.N., Samodelkin A.G.
Key words: laser interference microscopy; in vitro state of erythrocytes; low-intensity laser radiation; stress.
2018, volume 10, issue 4, page 78.

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The aim of the investigation was to study the corrective action of low-intensity laser radiation on the in vitro morphofunctional state of stressed erythrocytes using interference microscopy.

Materials and Methods. Blood samples of intact and stressed rats exposed to low-intensity laser radiation (LILR) were studied in experiments in vitro. The wavelength of LILR radiation was 890 nm. Erythrocyte morphology was studied using laser interference microscopy, malondialdehyde and adenosine triphosphate concentrations were assessed spectrophotometrically.

Results. The action of LILR was found to cause no significant changes in the discoid form of erythrocytes and cellular metabolic processes, though it resulted in the appearance of projections on the surface. Exposure to stress promoted a decrease in discocyte count and a significant increase in echinocytes, stomatocytes and degenerative forms of cells with altered microrelief, which was combined with an increase in oxidation processes. The effect of LILR on blood samples of stressed animals led to a decrease in pathological forms of erythrocytes and restoration of cell surface architectonics.

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Deryugina A.V., Ivashchenko M.N., Ignatiev P.S., Talamanova M.N., Samodelkin A.G. The Capabilities of Interference Microscopy in Studying the in vitro State of Erythrocytes Exposed to Low-Intensity Laser Radiation for Stress Correction. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2018; 10(4): 78,

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