Alterations in the Phase Portrait and Electrophoretic Mobility of Erythrocytes in Various Diseases
The aim of the investigation was to study a phase portrait, electrophoretic mobility of erythrocytes (EPME), and clinical and laboratory blood indices in patients with various types of diseases.
Materials and Methods. A phase portrait, EPME, and clinical and laboratory blood indices have been studied in patients with cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, gynecological, and gastroenterological diseases. The phase portrait was investigated using laser interferometry technique, EPME was determined by microelectrophoresis. The clinical and laboratory indices included counting the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, measurements of hemoglobin content and ESR by means of standard clinical methods. The phase portrait and EPME were studied under the action of adrenaline and cortisol in experiments in vitro.
Results. Using laser interferometry, phase images of erythrocytes in cardiovascular, gastroenterological, bronchopulmonary, and gynecological diseases have been obtained. The analysis of the gallery of erythrocyte phase images has shown that alterations were unidirectional in all types of pathologies and were characterized by the increase of echinocyte number. The morphological modification of erythrocytes correlated with EPME changes and clinical and laboratory blood indices and reflected the degree of stress and triggering of adaptive processes in the course of the conducted therapy. Influence of stress-realizing systems has been confirmed by the in vitro experiments under the action of adrenaline and cortisol.
Conclusion. Indices of EPME and erythrocyte phase portrait obtained with the help of the current techniques of cellular microelectrophoresis and laser interferometry provide the opportunity to obtain new information on the internal structure of cytoobjects without special preparations of specimens and contrast or fluorescent probes.
These indices may be applied for quantitative characteristic of the stress reaction degree and the development of adaptive processes which is of great importance for the transition to personified medicine.
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