A Non-Invasive Method for Spectroscopic Blood Glucose Monitoring
At present, diabetes mellitus is considered a life-long condition that has no radical cure. In order to avoid serious complications, people with diabetes have to periodically take samples of their blood “for sugar testing”. It is, therefore, obvious how important would be a method for the non-invasive determination of blood glucose.
The method proposed in this study is based on spectroscopic measurements of the light passed through a blood-containing organ in the human body. Such methods have been known for a long time; nevertheless, the task of identifying the fraction of light absorbed by glucose remains unsolved. We approach this problem by repeatedly determining the intensity of the absorbed light at multiple wavelengths in the near-IR spectral range; the obtained data are processed using the mathematical tool developed for this purpose, which includes the creation and solution of linear equations with the number of unknowns not less than the number of light-absorbing components in the blood-containing.
The method has been assessed by testing the solution convergence for the system of equations; the requirements for refining the spectral characteristics of some absorbing components have been described.
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