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Assessment of the Effectiveness of the System for Monitoring Movement Kinematics in Patients of Neurosurgical Profile with Functional Disorders of the Locomotor Apparatus

Assessment of the Effectiveness of the System for Monitoring Movement Kinematics in Patients of Neurosurgical Profile with Functional Disorders of the Locomotor Apparatus

Tsareva А.V., Sokolova F.М., Korolev P.G., Ivanova N.E., Alekseev V.V.
Key words: kinematics of walking; monitoring of movement kinematics; algorithm of movement processing; spatio-temporal characteristics.
2019, volume 11, issue 3, page 81.

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The aim of the study was to assess the system designed for determining the efficiency of rehabilitation measures in patients of neurosurgical profile with functional disorders of the locomotor apparatus.

Materials and Methods. In 2017–2018, a series of investigations were carried out at the Polenov Neurosurgical Institute involving 35 patients aged 30–70 years with various pathologies of CNS and locomotor system (paraplegia, hemiparesis, tetraparesis) and 15 healthy volunteers aged 20–45 years.

Measurements were performed before rehabilitation (days 2–3 after the operation) and on rehabilitation days 3–4 (days 5–6 after the operation) using the developed system of movement kinematics monitoring built on 13 bit analog-to-digital converter with 46 kHz maximal sampling rate and 0.1% error. The system has two micromechanical sensors each containing three-axis accelerometer with a 6 g measurement range. The sensors connected to the analog-to-digital converter by a cable are fixed to the footwear on the external side of each heel.

The data obtained with this measuring system were processed using the “Program for identifying step phases”.

Results. Phases of the step have been identified, phase duration calculated, mathematical expectation and root-mean-square deviation of phase durations assessed. Kinematic profiles of the patients have been presented.

Conclusions to positive or negative dynamics of rehabilitation after the application of exercise complexes have been drawn based on the kinematic profiles obtained.

Phase durations for healthy individuals have been established to be within 20 ms and a uniform distribution of root-mean-square deviation dispersions relative to the step phases has been traced. Deviations of patients’ phase durations and dispersions relative to healthy persons have been shown.

Conclusion. Theproposed monitoring system provides the control of the process of movement kinematics correction in the course of patient rehabilitation and gives a quantitative assessment of the conducted treatment efficacy.

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Tsareva А.V., Sokolova F.М., Korolev P.G., Ivanova N.E., Alekseev V.V. Assessment of the Effectiveness of the System for Monitoring Movement Kinematics in Patients of Neurosurgical Profile with Functional Disorders of the Locomotor Apparatus. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2019; 11(3): 81,

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