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Hemofiltration in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis (Review)

Hemofiltration in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis (Review)

Boyarinov G.А., Zubeyev P.S., Mokrov К.V., Voyennov О.V.
Key words: severe acute pancreatitis; endogenous intoxication; hemofiltration.
2020, volume 12, issue 1, page 105.

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Questions regarding the application of extracorporeal detoxification to patients with severe acute pancreatitis have been considered. Hemodialysis, the historically first method of extracorporeal detoxification for such patients, has been also described in the review. Appropriateness of using renal replacement therapy methods and among them continued renal replacement therapy has been shown.

Hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration technologies are described in detail including different modes of their application and the possibility of using various types of filters. Available data on hemofiltration for patients with severe acute pancreatitis have been analyzed.

Great attention is paid to the unsolved aspects of hemofiltration in severe acute pancreatitis such as determining renal and extrarenal indices; time of starting hemofiltration; selection of volume replacement modes and a buffer system; procedure duration; anticoagulation measures, defining criteria to assess the adequacy of hemofiltration, state severity, and organ dysfunction degree.

Further multicenter investigations are necessary to be able to assess the efficacy of the hemofiltration procedures on the basis of the thoroughly worked out and pathogenically grounded protocol using adequate control methods taking into consideration endogenic intoxication phases and intensity of the multiple organ failure syndrome.

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