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Autism Spectrum Disorders: State-of-the-Art (Review)

Autism Spectrum Disorders: State-of-the-Art (Review)

Bozhkova E.D., Balandina О.V., Konovalov А.А.
Key words: autism spectrum disorders; autism; autism screening; risk factors for autism development; epidemiology of autism.
2020, volume 12, issue 2, page 111.

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Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of disorders, the occurrence of which is associated with the impairment of brain development. Typical for them are difficulties in social interaction and communication.

Current epidemiological aspects of autistic disorders, methods of their diagnosis and correction as well as risk factors of the disease development are considered in the review. Numerous investigations confirm that timely identification of autistic disorders and child inclusion in the programs of early intervention may be the basis of effective rehabilitation and will be able to improve the prognosis for their socialization. High prevalence of autism spectrum disorders requires active work on designing screening procedures, creating scientifically grounded and standardized normative routing system for this category of patients, and implementing countrywide the programs rendering aid to children with this pathology and their parents.

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Bozhkova E.D., Balandina О.V., Konovalov А.А. Autism Spectrum Disorders: State-of-the-Art (Review). Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2020; 12(2): 111,

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