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Radiomics and Digital Image Texture Analysis in Oncology (Review)

Radiomics and Digital Image Texture Analysis in Oncology (Review)

Litvin A.A., Burkin D.A., Kropinov A.A., Paramzin F.N.
Key words: radiomics; analysis of tissue textures; image biomarkers; quantitative analysis of digital images; digital image analysis in oncology; virtual biopsy.
2021, volume 13, issue 2, page 97.

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One of the most promising areas of diagnosis and prognosis of diseases is radiomics, a science combining radiology, mathematical modeling, and deep machine learning. The main concept of radiomics is image biomarkers (IBMs), the parameters characterizing various pathological changes and calculated based on the analysis of digital image texture. IBMs are used for quantitative assessment of digital imaging results (CT, MRI, ultrasound, PET). The use of IBMs in the form of “virtual biopsy” is of particular relevance in oncology.

The article provides the basic concepts of radiomics identifying the main stages of obtaining IBMs: data collection and preprocessing, tumor segmentation, data detection and extraction, modeling, statistical processing, and data validation. The authors have analyzed the possibilities of using IBMs in oncology, describing the currently known features and advantages of using radiomics and image texture analysis in the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer. The limitations and problems associated with the use of radiomics data are considered.

Although the novel effective tool for performing virtual biopsy of human tissue is at the development stage, quite a few projects have already been implemented, and medical software packages for radiomics analysis of digital images have been created.

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