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Memory Modulation Factors in Hippocampus Exposed to Radiation

Memory Modulation Factors in Hippocampus Exposed to Radiation

Krotkova О.А., Kuleva А.Y., Galkin М.V., Kaverina М.Y., Strunina Y.V., Danilov G.V.
Key words: hippocampus; neurogenesis; memory impairment; attention; radiotherapy of parasellar meningiomas.
2021, volume 13, issue 4, page 6.

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Although the key scene of the hippocampus in memory processes is obvious, the specificity of its participation in information processing is far from being established. Current advanced neuroimaging enables to operate with precise morphometric parameters.

The aim of the study was to reveal fine memory rearrangements under mechanical impact on the hippocampus by a neoplasm and radiation exposure in the course of therapy.

Materials and Methods. We used a homogeneous sample of 28 patients with parasellar meningiomas adjacent to hippocampus. In 10 patients (5 with left-sided and 5 with right-sided meningiomas), the tumor was located near the hippocampus but exhibited no mechanical effect on it. In 18 patients (10 with left-sided and 8 with right-sided tumors), the neoplasm compressed the adjacent hippocampus. The control group consisted of 39 healthy subjects. All three groups were comparable in age, education, and gender characteristics. In order to control tumor growth, the patients underwent radiotherapy when the hippocampus involuntary was exposed to a dose comparable to that in the tumor (30 sessions with a single focal dose of 1.8 Gy, total dose — 54.0 Gy).

Based on the literature data on hippocampus involved in mnestic processes, a special methodology to investigate memory was developed. Incorrect responses the subjects made when identifying previously memorized images were classified as neutralizing the novelty factor of an identified stimulus or as wrongly emphasizing its novelty.

Results. At the first observation point (before radiation therapy) all groups underwent a complete standardized neuropsychological examination and performed a battery of cognitive tests. The overall results of the tests assessing attention, memory, thinking processes, and neurodynamic indicators corresponded to standard values. A mild brain compression by the tumor without brain tissue destruction was not accompanied by focal neuropsychological symptoms and deficit manifestations in the cognitive sphere. However, as early as in the first observation point, the number of “pattern separation” errors in the clinical group was significantly higher than that in healthy subjects.

The second observation point (immediately after radiotherapy) and the third observation point — 6 months after the treatment — showed that, in general, the patients’ cognitive sphere condition was not deteriorating, and in a number of parameters was characterized by positive dynamics, apparently associated with some tumor reduction due to the therapy provided. However, the distribution of errors in the original method significantly changed. When previously memorized stimuli were recognized, the errors neutralizing the novelty factor of the evaluated stimulus increased, while the number of errors with overestimating the stimuli novelty decreased.

All tendencies hypothetically (according to the published data) associated with the changes in functional activity of the hippocampus were more pronounced in the subgroup of patients with mechanical impact of the tumor on hippocampus.

Conclusion. The continuous flow of impressions any person has at any moment of his activity is most likely marked by the hippocampus in a continuum “old–similar–new”. The present study has shown that mechanical impact on the hippocampus combined with radiation exposure changes the range of assessments towards the prevailing labeling “old, previously seen, already known”.

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Krotkova О.А., Kuleva А.Y., Galkin М.V., Kaverina М.Y., Strunina Y.V., Danilov G.V. Memory Modulation Factors in Hippocampus Exposed to Radiation. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2021; 13(4): 6,

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