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Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring during Surgical Correction of Scoliosis for Postoperative Recovery of the Patient’s Motor Function

Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring during Surgical Correction of Scoliosis for Postoperative Recovery of the Patient’s Motor Function

Arestova Yu.S., Sayfutdinov M.S., Savin D.M., Nasyrov M.Z., Ryabykh T.V., Ryabykh S.O.
Key words: spinal deformity; scoliosis; electromyography; neuromonitoring; motor-evoked potentials; physiotherapy.
2021, volume 13, issue 5, page 55.

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The aim of the investigation was to study the effect of adverse intraoperative events on the subclinical decrease in the functional state of the sensorimotor system of patients with scoliosis and their early postoperative rehabilitation.

Materials and Methods. The results of the examination of 30 adolescents of 13–16 years old with scoliosis before and after surgical correction were compared. Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring was used by the method of transcranial evoked motor potentials. The patients were divided into two groups depending on the presence or absence of neurophysiological signs of damage to nerve structures during the operation.

Results. The amplitude of the M-responses of the muscles of the lower limbs in the postoperative period remains at a level close to the initial one, with a noticeable decrease in the amplitude of voluntary electromyography, which is expressed unevenly and to a greater extent in patients with intraoperative signs of hazard for the motor pathways of the spinal cord.

Conclusion. Adverse intraoperative events cause significant changes in the state of the motor system of patients with scoliosis and reduce the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment in the postoperative period.

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Arestova Yu.S., Sayfutdinov M.S., Savin D.M., Nasyrov M.Z., Ryabykh T.V., Ryabykh S.O. Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring during Surgical Correction of Scoliosis for Postoperative Recovery of the Patient’s Motor Function. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2021; 13(5): 55,

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