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Modern Rehabilitation Technologies of Patients with Motor Disorders at an Early Rehabilitation of Stroke (Review)

Modern Rehabilitation Technologies of Patients with Motor Disorders at an Early Rehabilitation of Stroke (Review)

Khrulev A.E., Kuryatnikova K.M., Belova А.N., Popova P.S., Khrulev S.Е.
Key words: cerebral stroke; motor disorders; rehabilitation; non-invasive brain stimulation; repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; transcranial direct current stimulation; virtual reality; brain–computer interface.
2022, volume 14, issue 6, page 64.

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Cerebral stroke is one of the leading disability causes among adult population worldwide. The number of post-stroke patients, who need rehabilitation including motor recovery, keeps growing annually. Standard motor rehabilitation techniques have a limited effect on recovering extremity motor defunctionalization. In this regard, in recent years, new technologies of post-stroke rehabilitation are being suggested. The present review summarizes the existing literature data on current techniques applied in patients with motor disorders at an early rehabilitation period of cerebral stroke. The current modern technologies are divided into the methods based on “interhemispheric inhibition” theory (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation), and on “mirror neurons” theory (virtual reality systems and brain–computer interfaces). The authors present the neurophysiological causes and feasible protocols of using the techniques in clinical practice, the clinical research findings due to the initial severity level of motor disorders and stroke age, as well as the factors contributing to the motor rehabilitation efficiency when using these methods.

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