Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation for Dental Implant Surface Treatment
Current technologies of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) for modifying the surfaces of dental implants made of the Grade IV titan alloy provide predictable long-term results in implant dentistry.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of PEO technology comparing two types of surface modification of dental implants made of VT1-0 medical titanium alloy.
Materials and Methods. 50 IRIS dental implants (Scientific Production Company LICOSTOM, Russia), 10-mm long and 4 mm in diameter, were manufactured from the VT1-0 alloy. The implant surface was treated by two PEO methods: 1) in the aqueous solution of alkaline electrolyte without any additional modifiers (PEO-Ti); 2) in the aqueous solution of orthophosphoric acid-based electrolyte containing calcium carbonate (PEO-Ca). Implants made of VT1-0 alloy after milling and without additional treatment served as control samples. The implant surfaces were studied by electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. Some of the implants were installed in sheep, samples were obtained at 2, 4, and 8 weeks and studied by microcomputer tomography.
Results. Regardless of the electrolyte composition, a highly developed porous surface was formed in the samples with PEO-modified surfaces. The surface of the PEO-Ti samples in a simple unmodified electrolyte was characterized by a large number of open pores with a wide range of size distribution from 200 nm to 3 µm. The pore size distribution was of a monomodal character, with a maximum near 0.23 µm. The PEO samples in the Ca-containing electrolyte had pores also in a wide range from ~80 nm to ~7 µm. The pore distribution, in contrast to PEO-Ti, was bimodal in nature, with the main maximum in the region of 1.05 µm and the concomitant maximum near 2.45 µm.
The obtained surfaces of both types (PEO with Ca and Ti) possessed high purity and optimal microroughness for osseointegration. Both types of PEO treatment (PEO with Ca and Ti) have demonstrated a similar osseointegrative potential, nevertheless, the surface of the PEO-Ca showed a better contact with the implant surface (49.8%) than PEO-Ti (42.4%) obviously due to the presence of calcium in its composition.
Conclusion. The PEO-formed implant surfaces demonstrate high osseointegrative properties after any variants of treatment and show the potential for application in osteoporosis.
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