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PhthisisBioMed Artificial Medical Intelligence: Software for Automated Analysis of Digital Chest X-ray/Fluorograms

PhthisisBioMed Artificial Medical Intelligence: Software for Automated Analysis of Digital Chest X-ray/Fluorograms

Gogoberidze Y.T., Klassen V.I., Natenzon M.Y., Prosvirkin I.A., Vladzimirsky A.V., Sharova D.E., Zinchenko V.V.
Key words: artificial medical intelligence; PhthisisBioMed AI service; neural networks; thoracic organ diseases; CDSS; URIS UMIAS.
2023, volume 15, issue 4, page 5.

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The scope of diagnostic medical examinations increases from year to year causing a reasonable desire to develop and implement new technologies to diagnostics and medical data analysis. Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms became one of the most promising solutions to this problem and proved themselves in the course of mass practical application. During the three-year Moscow experiment started in 2020, the possibility was achieved to develop methodologies of AI use and to successfully implement it into the regional level healthcare system.

In this article, the authors share their experience in developing a medical AI service using the example of PhthisisBioMed AI service and the results of its application in real clinical activities environment. This AI service has shown its quality and reliability confirmed by technological monitoring.

Clinical trials of PhthisisBioMed AI service were conducted on a specially prepared verified data set (n=1536) considering epidemiological indicators of the thoracic organs major diseases prevalence. The mean sensitivity of the service was 0.975 (95% CI: 0.966–0.984).

PhthisisBioMed medical AI service is registered as a medical device (medical device registration certificate No.RZN 2022/17406 dated May 31, 2022) and is actively used in the Russian Federation as a diagnostic tool to reduce the burden on radiologists and to accelerate the process of medical report obtaining.

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Gogoberidze Y.T., Klassen V.I., Natenzon M.Y., Prosvirkin I.A., Vladzimirsky A.V., Sharova D.E., Zinchenko V.V. PhthisisBioMed Artificial Medical Intelligence: Software for Automated Analysis of Digital Chest X-ray/Fluorograms. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2023; 15(4): 5,

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