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Evaluation of the Feasibility of Using Commercial Wound Coatings as a Carrier Matrix for Bacteriophages

Evaluation of the Feasibility of Using Commercial Wound Coatings as a Carrier Matrix for Bacteriophages

Beschastnov V.V., Shirokova I.Yu., Belyanina N.A., Pogodin I.E., Tulupov A.A., Tochilina A.G., Belova I.V., Tyumenkov Yu.O., Kovalishena O.V., Soloveva I.V.
Key words: commercial wound dressings; infected wound; carrier matrix; bacteriophage; antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus; MRSA.
2024, volume 16, issue 1, page 45.

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The aim of the investigation is to study the possibility of applying commercial wound coatings for treating infected wounds as a carrier matrix for bacteriophages.

Materials and Methods. Twelve varieties of commercial wound coverings based on biopolymers of natural and synthetic origin, a biological preparation Staphylophag produced by scientific-industrial association Microgen (Russia), registration certificate P N001973/01, and the S. aureus 3196 test strain (GenBank JARQZO000000000) isolated from a patient with a burn wound have been used in our work. The ability of commercial biological wound coatings to absorb solutions was examined by immersing them in a physiological solution (pH 7.0‒7.2) followed by weighing. The lytic activity of three bacteriophage series against the test strain was studied using the Appelman method and a spot test. The lytic activity of the bacteriophage in the wound samples was studied within 7 days after its absorption by the wound coatings.

Results. The greatest volume of fluid was absorbed by the LycoSorb, NEOFIX FibroSorb Ag, Biatravm, and Chitocol-S wound coatings. All bacteriophage series have been found to have a high lytic activity against the test strain. It has also been shown that Chitocol-S, Collachit-FA, Algipran, and Aquacel Ag Extra possessed their own inherent antibacterial activity under in vitro conditions stable for 7 days; moreover, the lysis zones of the test strain increased after their saturation with bacteriophage. On day 0, a high level of bacteriophage lytic activity with the maximum size of the test strain lysis zones from 49 to 59 mm have been found to remain in all samples of the wound coverings. The bacteriophage activity persisted for 1 day in the samples of Hydrofilm, Polypran, and NEOFIX FibroCold Ag coatings, up to 4 days in Algipran, Nano-Aseptica, and Biatravm coatings; and for 7 days in the Chitocol-S, Collachit-FA, Opsite Post-Op Visible, NEOFIX FibroSorb Ag, Aquacel Ag Extra, and LycoSorb samples.

Conclusion. Modern commercial wound dressings based on chitosan-collagen complex (Chitocol-S, Collachit-FA), polyurethane (Opsite Post-Op Visible, LycoSorb, NEOFIX FibroSorb Ag), and Hydrofiber (Aquacel Ag Extra) have a sufficient level of bacteriophage solution absorption, provide a stable preservation of the bacteriophage lytic activity under in vitro conditions up to 7 days. Thus, the in vitro studies prove the possibility of their use as a carrier matrix for bacteriophages.

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