Сегодня: 15.02.2025
Последнее обновление: 27.12.2024
Влияние противоопухолевого лечения и озонотерапии на показатели перекисного окисления липидов и концентрации некоторых микроэлементов в плазме крови больных раком молочной железы

Влияние противоопухолевого лечения и озонотерапии на показатели перекисного окисления липидов и концентрации некоторых микроэлементов в плазме крови больных раком молочной железы

А.В. Алясова, К.Н. Конторщикова, Л.В. Коркотошвилли, И.Г. Терентьев
Ключевые слова: lipid peroxidation, microelements, ozonized physiologic salt solution, mammary gland cancer.
2009, номер 1, стр. 21.

Полный текст статьи


The aim of investigation is a revealing of the complex treatment and ozonized physiologic salt solution infusion influence on alterations of the lipid peroxidation values and concentrations of zinc, cuprum, ferrum in blood plasma of patients with a mammary gland cancer.

Materials and Methods. 300 patients with a mammary gland cancer (MGC) at the age of 35—65 years with a histologically confirmed diagnosis, predominantly with the III—IV stages (73.6%) were observed. A state of a protection antioxidant system and lipid peroxidation (by the induced biochemiluminescence method with a use of the BChL-06 device), the lipoperoxidation molecular product content (by the method of ultraviolet spectroscopy and with a use of a fluorimetric method) and concentrations of zinc, cuprum, ferrum in blood plasma (with a use of the atomic and absorption spectrophotometer S-115-M1) were investigated in patients. 48 patients with the III—IV stages (the 1st group) were additionally prescribed the ozonized physiologic salt solution infusions except the antitumoral treatment, 48 patients (the 2nd group) were receiving a standard antitumoral therapy, 15 females (the 3d group) were infused a nonozonized physiologic salt solution at the background of antitumoral treatment. A domestic serial medical ozonator ph. ″Quazar″ (N. Novgorod) was used for receipt of ozone. The received data was treated with a use of the STADIA 4.51 statistical program package.

Results. It is established, that a radial therapy favored a trustworthy increase of the cuprum and ferrum content in patients at a zinc level decrease; a polychemotherapy favored a significant decrease of a zinc level and a trustworthy increase of the ferrum content. A depression of the protection antioxidant system activity and accumulation of the lipoperoxidation molecular products were simultaneously observed. The ozonotherapy addition to a standard treatment was accompanied by a free-radical oxidation process normalization, a zinc serous content increase (p<0.05) and a cuprum concentration decrease. The revealed alterations correlated with a general and recurrentless survival rate increase in patients of that group.

Alyasova A.V., Kontorshickova K.N., Korkotoshvilly L.V., Terentiev I.G. Influence of Antitumoral Treatment and Ozonotherapy on the Lipid Peroxidation and Several Microelement Concentration Values in Blood Plasma of Patients with a Mammary Gland Cancer. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2009; (1): 21

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