Малоинвазивные методы лучевой диагностики механической желтухи опухолевого генеза
The authors have elaborated a complex method of the hepatopancreatobiliary zone tumoral disease diagnosis in patients with mechanical jaundice, including external drainage of the biliferous system elements (a transcutaneous punction cholecystostomy, cholangiostomy) under the US-control with a subsequent transcatheter roentgenocontrast investigation at the X-ray apparatus with a remote control.
The aim of article is the given method diagnostic possibility assessment.
Materials and methods. Peculiarities of the biliferous tract roentgenologic picture at a high and low biliary block in 31 patients are studied. An assessment of a patient irradiation average dose, received as a result of X-ray investigation, is made.
Results. It is established, that a method of the biliferous system transcatheter roentgenocontrast investigation is just as good as a generally-accepted one according to its diagnostic possibilities, besides a radial load to patients is significantly decreased (by 86.4%). A radial load to a medical staff is completely excluded. The standardized program and protocol, permitting to optimize the biliary duct X-ray investigation, are elaborated.