Долихосигма как причина рецидивирующего болевого синдрома в правой подвздошной области у детей
A retrospective analysis of 140 case histories of children of a year to 17 years with a verified diagnosis ″dolichosigmoid″ is made. It was revealed, that more than a half of examined children (56,4%) had the recurring pains in the right iliac area. It is demonstrated, that a dolichosigmoid with a recurring painful syndrome in the right iliac area occupies the first place in a spectrum of other intestine diseases in children with analogous painful syndrome. Such peculiarities of a clinical picture, as the durative constipations (up to 7 days) and even a lack of independent stools — in 39,3% of examined children, a phenomenon of encopresis — 53,2%, as well as a red blood appearance in feces— 10,1%, which can be explained by the anal canal mucous membrane damage at the hard fecal mass passing, are described.
The X-ray investigation (irrigoscopy) was of a primary importance at a diagnosis among the instrumental methods; the endoscopic investigation (a rectoromanoscopy, colonoscopy) was used as a supplementary one, besides a lengthening and extension of the colon sigmoid department clearance was revealed.