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The Feasibility of an Extended Lymphadenectomy in Gastric Cancer Treatment

The Feasibility of an Extended Lymphadenectomy in Gastric Cancer Treatment

Slugarev V.V., Gamayunov S.V., Terentiev I.G., Chernyavsky A.A., Denisenko A.N., Pakhomov S.R., Kalugina R.R.
Key words: gastric cancer, stomach malignant tumors, extended lymphodissection.
2012, issue 2, page 62.

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The aim of the investigation is to evaluate the tolerance of patients with advanced gastric cancer to extended D2 lymphodissection and its effect on the postoperative period.

Materials and Methods. The background of the research is the clinical observation of 288 patients within the age of 33 to 77 with morphologically verified stomach cancer. The 1st group (n=141) underwent the surgical treatment with lymphodissection D1 or D1+7, and the 2nd group (n=147) — the surgical treatment with lymphodissection D2.

Conclusion. With relevant experience and appropriate accompanying therapy, extended lymphodissection is well tolerated and safe. Increase in time of surgical treatment, the amount of blood loss and lymphorrhea, a slight increase in the frequency of postoperative pancreatitis are not fatal and do not lead to an increase in severe complications, such as lack of anastomosis, intraabdominal abscess and peritonitis. D2 lymphodissection does not result in an increase of postoperative mortality. Such volumes of surgical treatment can be performed in a standard oncologic dispensary.

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Slugarev V.V., Gamayunov S.V., Terentiev I.G., Chernyavsky A.A., Denisenko A.N., Pakhomov S.R., Kalugina R.R. The Feasibility of an Extended Lymphadenectomy in Gastric Cancer Treatment. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (2): 62

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