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Planning Technique in Maxillofacial Plasty

Planning Technique in Maxillofacial Plasty

Muraev А.А., Dymnikov А.B., Korotkova N.L., Kobets К.К., Ivanov S.Y.
Key words: contour plastic surgery; maxillofacial operations; digital plastic art in maxillofacial area.
2013, volume 5, issue 3, page 57.

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We have represented a new method of computer planning in surgical management of posttraumatic and congenital deformities of facial skeleton using individual tetrapolyfluoroethylene implants for contour plasty. There have been developed the technique of preoperative planning enabling to recover the symmetry of a deformed area using a computer 3D-model, and based on the obtained data — to produce individual implants for contour plasty.

There have been received positive results of the technique in clinical use in patients with posttraumatic and congenital facial deformities. Computer planning promotes accurate planning and reliable prognosis of the management results due to an individual implant used for contour facial plasty, which requires correction.

Conclusion. Computer planning and CAD/CAM-production of an individual implant enables to correct deformities and recover facial symmetry and esthetics in patients with posttraumatic and congenital distortions of face.

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Muraev А.А., Dymnikov А.B., Korotkova N.L., Kobets К.К., Ivanov S.Y. Planning Technique in Maxillofacial Plasty. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2013; 5(3): 57

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