Vegetative Correlates оf Conscious Representation оf Emotional Stress
The aim of the investigation was to search vegetative correlates of subjective level of emotional disadaptation in the study of heart rate variability (HRV) combined with the projective-verbal monitoring of the subjective level of emotional stress.
Materials and Methods. The study included 60 people aged from 19 to 23 years. We used the method of determining a subjective level of emotional disadaptation and telemetric recording of cardiorhythmography. The measurements were performed under natural activity 4 times a day. The results were processed using the methods of parametric statistics, cluster analysis. HRV was examined using the methods of spectral analysis — the periodogram and the continuous wavelet transform. The analysis results enabled to obtain spectral parameters of the second order, which characterize a modulating effect of higher suprasegmental levels of heart rate regulation.
Results. The total power of the HRV spectrum and the power of LF and HF frequency bands, as well as the modulation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activity were found to be statistically significantly higher (p<0.05) in the absence of emotional stress (low emotional maladjustment). Negative estimate of their own emotional states were associated with the decrease in suprasegmental modulating effects on autonomic regulation of the heart rate. Personalized monitoring data indicate the necessity of studying individual and typological features of the relationship between emotional status change and the dynamics of autonomic regulation in health and disease.
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