In vivo and in vitro Development and Study of Osteoplastic Material Based on Hydroxyapatite, Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate and Sodium Alginate Composition
The aim of the investigation was to develop a new synthetic material based on poly-3-hydroxybutyrate, sodium alginate and hydroxyapatite in the form of a paste and study in vitro and in vivo its efficiency when repairing bone defects.
Materials and Methods. For a paste we used poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) developed microbiologically, with molecular weight of 52 kDa, hydroxyapatite (HAP) and sodium alginate (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany).
Results. A comparative study of implantation results of HAP–PHB and xenogeneic osseous non-demineralized collagen with a defect covered by PHB membrane showed that by day 180 critical bone defect healed completely in a group with HAP–PHB implantation. Despite the fact that cortical plate formed in a group of patients with implantation of xenogeneic osseous non-demineralized collagen, chronic productive inflammation results in osseous tissue rarefaction and fibrosis formation in interjoist that can have a negative effect on mechanical properties of the bone.
Conclusion. The obtained biomaterial based on composite microparticles from PHB and HAP in alginate gel can be used as a filling agent to correct bone tissue defects, since in its structure there are combined solid support elements and a substance able to maintain optimal microenvironment for cell culture.
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