Ximedon Administration in Complex Treatment of Chemical Burns of Esophagus and Stomach in Experiment
The aim of the investigation was to study in experiment the morphological changes in rat esophageal and gastric tissues after chemical burn using a regeneration enhancing agent (Ximedon) against the background of medical treatment.
Materials and Methods. Esophageal and gastric chemical burns were modeled on Wistar white rats (n=70) by 30% acetic acid. The survivors were divided into three groups: a control group (without therapy), a standard treatment group (the rats were administered cefotaxime and prednisolone intraperitoneally) and an experimental group (cefotaxime, prednisolone, Ximedon intraperitoneally). The results were assessed morphologically and morphometrically on day 13, 19 and 40.
Conclusion. Esophageal and gastric mucosa thickness after chemical burn does not recover under any treatment. Antibiotics and corticosteroids taken after burn inhibit inflammation in tissues, but do not prevent scar tissue development in muscularis mucosae. A long term (6 weeks) of Ximedon therapy along with standard therapy results in complete recovery of esophageal and gastric mucous structure and significantly suppresses a scarring process in muscular elements.
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