New Direction of Dermatoplastic Operations and Devices for Its Accomplishment
The authors have used a new technology of a dermatoplastic operation at treatment of extensive dermal defects, when the donor’s resources are insufficient for abrupt substitution of the lost dermal integument. A dermal strip of a ″basis-flap″, devoid of fat, is taken from a patient (the necessary dimensions were calculated according to the formula S=S1/40, where S is a sought area of autotransplant, S1 is an area of wound surface), and is dissected to the transverse automicrotransplants (AMT), with the 0.1—0.5 mm thickness, with a use of special microdermatomes, which significantly enlarges a ″basis-flap″ area. The received AMT have two lateral surfaces, capable of accretion with tissues. The AMT contain all the elements of skin, which permits to call them full-layered ones. The AMT are placed to a granulating surface by a lateral side with their moderate flattening at a 4 mm distance from each other arranged staggered. Then the alloskin is taken and placed to the AMT, completely covering the wound surface with the automicrotransplants placed to it. A placing and smoothing out of the AMT are made with the specially produced forceps of original design.
The experimental and clinical tests of the method have demonstrated the new possibilities of operative treatment of patients with deep skin lesions, especially in cases of the dermal resource deficiency.