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Organotropic Alterations of Characteristics of the Lipid Peroxidation Value in a Divalent Ferrum Infusion in the Experiment

Organotropic Alterations of Characteristics of the Lipid Peroxidation Value in a Divalent Ferrum Infusion in the Experiment

Lovtsova L.V., Chueva T.O., Dvornickov A.V.
Key words: iron-deficient anemia, ferrum preparations, lipid peroxidation.
2011, issue 1, page 15.

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The aim of the investigation is to study the peculiarities of the preparation “Ferrum sulfate+serine” influence on the lipid peroxidation process (LPP) in tissues of the experimental animals' different organs.

Materials and Methods. An experiment is made on 80 nonlinear male-rats. The induced biochemiluminescence indices and a malone dialdehyde (MDA) content have been detected. A “Ferrum sulfate+serine” (actiferrin) preparation has been infused in a dose of 17.14 mg/kg a day (in Fe2+ equivalent) for 30 days.

Results. An actiferrin in the intestine tissues increases a general antioxidant activity (GAA) (in 10 days of infusion); decreases an MDA content and a rate of the free-radical oxidation (FRO) process collapse (in 30 days). It doesn’t substantially influence the dynamics of all the studied indices during the analyzed period in the liver tissues. A tendency to a free-radical activity (FRA) decrease (in 3 days) and its following increase (in 30 days); an increase of a GAA (in 3 days) and a tendency to its increase (in 30 days); an increase of an FRO process collapse rate (in 30 days); a decrease of an MDA content (in 3 days) are marked in the spleen tissues. It increases a FRA in the brain tissues with a simultaneous decrease of a GAA (in 3 and 10 days of infusion); increases an FRO process collapse rate (in 10 days); decreases a MDA content (in 10 and 30 days of infusion).

Conclusion. A certain organotropy, a different spectrum, direction and degree of the indices dynamics expression; stage alterations, a manifestation of a pro- and antioxidant activity and inhibiting influence on the studied process at different stages of infusion relate to peculiarities of the “Ferrum sulfate+serine” influence on the lipid peroxidation (LPP) process in the tissues of the experimental animals` different organs. A dynamic control of the LPP indices is recommended in a process of therapy with the ferrum preparations.

Lovtsova L.V., Chueva T.O., Dvornickov A.V. Organotropic Alterations of Characteristics of the Lipid Peroxidation Value in a Divalent Ferrum Infusion in the Experiment. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (1): 15

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