The Possibilities of Use Intraoperative Diathermic Ablation of Benign Thyroid Nodular Masses
The purpose of the work is to study the possibilities of use intraoperative diathermic ablation (IODA) of benign nodular masses when performing surgeries on thyroid.
Materials and Methods. There were studied short-term and long-term results of thyroid resection using IODA of small nodes of reserved thyroid tissue in 40 patients (38 women and 2 men aged from 29 to 68 years). The cause of operation in 29 patients was trachea compression syndrome, in 11 patients — functional autonomy of a node in one of the thyroid lobes. Follow up period was 1—4 years.
Results. 28 patients underwent hemithyroidectomy and IODA of small nodes of a contralateral lobe, 12 patients — hemithyroidectomy subtotal resection of a contralateral lobe and IODA of nodular masses (0.50±0.23 sm) of thyroid remain. There were no complications. 31 patients had stabile euthyroidism. Hypotheriosis developed in 9 patients, it being compensated by levothyroxine administration. According to ultrasound of thyroid remain, no relapses were revealed.
Conclusion. The use of IODA in thyroid resection makes it possible to reserve clinically significant volume of thyroid tissue without any risk of recurrences, and reduce the possibility of postoperative hypotheriosis development.