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Pathologic Criteria to Estimate the State of the Liver in Potential Multi-organ Donors with Brain Death

Pathologic Criteria to Estimate the State of the Liver in Potential Multi-organ Donors with Brain Death

Shkalova L.V., Zagainov V.E., Vasenin S.А., Minina М.G., Ilyinsky I.М., Tsirulnikova О.М.
Key words: potential postmortal liver donor, morphological investigation.
2011, issue 4, page 7.

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The aim of the investigation is to develop pathologic criteria to estimate the condition of the liver in potential multi-organ donors with brain death to decrease the subjectivity when excluding donor’s organs.

Materials and Methods. There has been carried out the histological study of 30 effective liver biopsy samples and 30 non-effective biopsy material of potential postmortal donors. Liver tissue sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin, using Masson’s Trichrome staining, and PAS stain. To analyze histological material there have been used the computer quantitative morphometry system and statistical techniques.

Results. The protocol of morphological estimation of the liver of potential postmortal donor was developed. According to the protocol, donors’ liver pathology is to be estimated by eight histological criteria (steatosis, proteinosis and necrosis of hepatocytes; enotheliitis of central veins; endarteritis; phlebitis and inflammatory infiltration in portal tracts; hepatic fibrosis). Effective donors compared to non-effective ones were stated to have statistically significantly lower percentage of statosis (p<0.001), proteinosis (p<0.001) and necrosis of hepatocytes (p<0.001); and there were less expressed the degree of inflammatory infiltration (p<0.001), phlebitis (p=0.028) and endarteritis (p=0.028) in portal tracts and the degree of hepatic fibrosis (p<0.001).

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Shkalova L.V., Zagainov V.E., Vasenin S.А., Minina М.G., Ilyinsky I.М., Tsirulnikova О.М. Pathologic Criteria to Estimate the State of the Liver in Potential Multi-organ Donors with Brain Death. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 7

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