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Osteocutaneous Repair of Fingers Using Blood Supplied Grafts

Osteocutaneous Repair of Fingers Using Blood Supplied Grafts

Alexandrov N.М., Petrov S.V.
Key words: repair of fingers, cellulocutaneous pedicle flap plasty, transplantation of osteocutaneous complex on microvascular anastomoses, radial osteocutaneous flap displacement.
2011, issue 4, page 22.

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The aim of the investigation is to develop new methods of osteocutaneous repair of fingers providing the stability of their osseous basis and the possibility of reinnervation when a donor defect is minimal.

Materials and Methods. The repair of the first and triphalangeal fingers using transplantation of osteocutaneous complexes of various structures on microvascular anastomoses and the displacement of radial osteocutaneous flaps on vascular pedicle have been performed in 32 patients with traumatic hand defects of mechanical (23), thermal (8) and gunshot (1) etiology. The most part of finger soft tissues have been repaired by means of temporal pedicle flap plasty.

Results. Acceptability of grafts and displaced tissue complexes was 93.74%. There was one case of complete necrosis and one case of partial necrosis of the implant (3.13%). All cellulocutaneous flaps were accepted. Primary stitches were put on all donor wounds which healed with primary adhesion and minimal defects. Biochemical parameters on intact and operated feet in various periods after the surgery did not differ significantly.

From 19 patients, whose long-term outcomes are known, excellent functional results are noted in 2 (10.53%) patients, good results — in 7 (36.84%) patients, satisfactory results — in 6 (31.58%) patients, and poor results — in 4 (21.05%) patients.

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Alexandrov N.М., Petrov S.V. Osteocutaneous Repair of Fingers Using Blood Supplied Grafts. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 22

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