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Numerical Analysis of Cross-polar Optic Coherent Tomography Images in Functional Diagnostics of Intestinal Diseases by the Condition of Oral Soft Tissues

Numerical Analysis of Cross-polar Optic Coherent Tomography Images in Functional Diagnostics of Intestinal Diseases by the Condition of Oral Soft Tissues

Kiselyova Е.B., Robakadze N.S., Gladkova N.D., Balalaeva I.V., Karabut М.М.
Key words: cross-polar optic coherent tomography (CP OCT), buccal mucosa, Crohn’s diseases, ulcerative colitis, collagen, numerical analysis of images.
2011, issue 4, page 32.

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The aim of the investigation is to assess the effectiveness of using numerical analysis of orthogonal images of cross-polar optic coherent tomography (CP OCT) to increase the diagnostic accuracy of the technique in noninvasive functional diagnostics of Crohn’s diseases (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC).

Materials and Methods. By means of CP OCT there have been examined 33 patients with intestinal inflammatory diseases and oral inflammations: CD, UC, lichen ruber planus of oral cavity and aphthous stomatitis. The control group consisted of 11 people without intestinal and oral inflammatory diseases. The CP OCT-images obtained have been numerically analyzed. Buccal mucous collagen from the area of CP OCT-scanning has been assessed histologically by fluorescence in polarized light in picrosirius red staining. The comparison of the intensity of yellow-red fluorescence on histologic specimens and the OCT-signal intensity in an orthogonal image has shown their close agreement. Numerical analysis of CP OCT-images has been used as an additional tool for their visual assessment. There has been made numerical analysis of average signal intensity from submucosal level of buccal mucosa in orthogonal CP OCT-images. In Crohn’s disease average OCT-signal intensity has been stated to be significantly higher (p<0.01) than in ulcerative colitis, and the signal intensity of 7.5 dB (within the range of 7.0–8.0 dB) — to provide maximum diagnostic efficiency of CP OCT in CD and UC differential diagnosis, the test-sensitivity of CP OCT amounting to 0.72, specificity — 0.89, diagnostic accuracy — 0.78, predictive validity of a positive test — 0.93, and predictive validity of a negative test — 0.62.

Conclusion. An average OCT-signal intensity of 7.5 dB in an orthogonal image (within the range of 7.0–8.0 dB) with high diagnostic accuracy can serve as an objective noninvasive differential diagnostic criterion of CD and UC.

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Kiselyova Е.B., Robakadze N.S., Gladkova N.D., Balalaeva I.V., Karabut М.М. Numerical Analysis of Cross-polar Optic Coherent Tomography Images in Functional Diagnostics of Intestinal Diseases by the Condition of Oral Soft Tissues. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 32

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