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The Change of Hemostasis System in Patients with Thrombophlebitis of Lower Extremities Deep Veins in Ozone Therapy

The Change of Hemostasis System in Patients with Thrombophlebitis of Lower Extremities Deep Veins in Ozone Therapy

Piksin I.N., Makhrov V.I., Makhrov V.V., Tabunkov S.I., Byakin S.P., Stcherbakov А.V., Romanova N.V., Averina А.V.
Key words: thrombophlebitis of deep veins of lower extremities, hemostasis system, ozone therapy.
2011, issue 4, page 173.

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The aim of the investigation is to study the change of hemostasis system in patients with acute thrombophlebitis of deep veins of lower extremities using ozone therapy.

Materials and Methods. There have been examined 25 healthy people and 65 patients with acute thrombophlebitis of deep veins of lower extremities who had traditional treatment in combination with systemic ozone therapy (the main group). Indexes of clotting and fibrinolysis have been determined on admission and after the treatment.

Conclusion. The dynamics of indexes characterizing coagulation and fibrinolytic blood properties gives the evidence of the more considerable shift of hemostasis indexes towards incoagulability in patients with thrombophlebitis of deep veins of lower extremities after systemic ozone therapy compared to the patients with traditional treatment only. The changes revealed seem to be due to the activation of oxygen dependent processes in the body under the influence of ozone therapy, both in internal organs and tissues synthesizing blood coagulation factors and fibrinolysis and in the area of venous thrombosis.

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Piksin I.N., Makhrov V.I., Makhrov V.V., Tabunkov S.I., Byakin S.P., Stcherbakov А.V., Romanova N.V., Averina А.V. The Change of Hemostasis System in Patients with Thrombophlebitis of Lower Extremities Deep Veins in Ozone Therapy. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2011; (4): 173

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