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In vitro Studies of Biofilms on the Surface of Synthetic Macroporous Endoprostheses for Abdominal Wall Plasty

In vitro Studies of Biofilms on the Surface of Synthetic Macroporous Endoprostheses for Abdominal Wall Plasty

Parshikov V.V., Chebotar I.V., Khodak V.A., Samsonov A.A.
Key words: non-tension plasty, synthetic endoprostheses, mesh, biofilm, hernia, emergency surgery.
2012, issue 1, page 15.

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The aim of the investigation is to study the bacterial growth characteristics in vitro on the surface of synthetic macroporous mesh endoprostheses used in modern surgery for abdominal wall plasty in case of hernias, and biofilms formation.

Materials and methods. We studied endoprostheses made of polypropylene biofilms (standard, light), polyvinyliden fluoride, reperen, composite materials (polypropylene and polyvinyliden fluoride) used in hernial surgery. Meshes were contaminated by Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. After incubation the preparations were studied under microscope in dark field, and biofilm formation was assessed using special scale.

Results. Microbial biofilm forms within 48 h in vitro on endoprostheses surfaces. Ps. aeruginosa has the maximum capacity to form a microbial film, St. aureus — small capacity, St. epidermidis — the minimum capacity (p=0.027). Ps. aeruginosa significantly mildly contaminates light polypropylene meshes than any other meshes (p=0.009), and colonizes more intensively standard polypropylene meshes than smooth surface of reperen endoprostheses (p=0.024). There is no such relation for St. aureus. Reperen is maximally contaminated by St. epidermidis (p=0.044).

Conclusion. Biofilm formation is a universal mechanism of mesh infection, and it can be realized in vitro on any endoprosthesis. The mechanism characteristics depend on the material, mesh type, surface microrelief, and microbial strain. To perform operations using synthetic materials under bacterial contamination conditions it is necessary to design special endoprostheses capable to resist colonization and biofilm formation.

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Parshikov V.V., Chebotar I.V., Khodak V.A., Samsonov A.A. In vitro Studies of Biofilms on the Surface of Synthetic Macroporous Endoprostheses for Abdominal Wall Plasty. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (1): 15

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