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Biological Properties Study of a New Osteoplastic Nondemineralized Collagen-based Material Containing Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Bone Defect Replacement

Biological Properties Study of a New Osteoplastic Nondemineralized Collagen-based Material Containing Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Bone Defect Replacement

Muraev А.A., Ivanov S.Yu., Artifexova А.А., Ryabova V.M., Volodina Е.V., Polyakova I.N.
Key words: guided bone regeneration, bone replacement material, non-demineralized collagen, vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF.
2012, issue 1, page 21.

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The aim of the investigation is to assess in vivo the efficiency of a new osteoplastic non-demineralized collagen-based material containing vascular endothelial growth factor in bone defect replacement.

Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out on 16 chinchilla rabbits. A new material under study was developed by Close Joint Stock Company “Proteinsynthesis” (Moscow) to replace bone defects. Non-demineralized bone collagen in the form of crumbs (LLC “Research and Production Company VITAFORM”, Moscow) taken as a basis was saturated with vascular endothelial growth factor according to an original technique. The defect was made in iliac bone crest.

Results. A new biocomposite material based on non-demineralized bone collagen saturated with vascular endothelial growth factor for bone defect replacement was stated to have osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties and potentiate neoangiogenesis. The material is able to induce bone tissue regeneration more effectively compared to non-modified collagen matrix mainly due to circulatory bed formation in regeneration area.

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Muraev А.A., Ivanov S.Yu., Artifexova А.А., Ryabova V.M., Volodina Е.V., Polyakova I.N. Biological Properties Study of a New Osteoplastic Nondemineralized Collagen-based Material Containing Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Bone Defect Replacement. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (1): 21

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