
Laser and Surgical Treatment of Retinal Thromboses Outcomes
Currently there is no established opinion concerning the treatment of thrombosis of central vein of retina and its branches. Some clinical success was achieved in intra-vitreal administration of corticosteroids (triamcinolone acetonide) and inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factor (bevacizumab, ranibizumab). Surgical techniques, such as radical optic neurotomy and sheathotomy, do not proved their clinical efficacy and no longer used. Many researchers emphasize the effectiveness of vitrectomy. Vitrectomy with separating and removing the posterior hyaloids membrane and vitreous cortical layers provides the recovery of vitreal plane transparency and contributes to eliminating inflammatory mediators and vascular growth factors from it. It has positive effect on macula post-thrombotic edema. Intra-operative laser coagulation of retina increases oxygenation of intraocular structures and reduces production of vascular growth factors. The search of the most effective and safe modalities of treatment of retinal thromboses outcomes is being continued.
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