In vivo Control of Oral Mucosa Regeneration after Fractional Laser Photothermolysis Using Cross-polarization Optic Coherence Tomography
The aim of the investigation is to assess the possibilities of cross-polarization optic coherence tomography (CP OCT) for in vivo control of oral soft tissues regeneration after fractional laser photothermolysis.
Materials and Methods. The experiments were carried out on 18 healthy rabbits having undergone in vivo fractional laser photothermolysis, the observation period being 90 days. In the study there was used original laser system by “Dental Photonics Inc.” (USA) based on diode laser with wave length of 980 nm and power of up to 20 W. Each column was formed by contact of the tip of 400 micrometers in diameter and gingival tissue within long exposure of 80, 120 and 150 ms. Laser columns were made in rows (2–3 columns in a row) on rabbit’s maxilla in an incisor area. For CP OCT-survey of mucosa there was used CP OCT-tomograph “ОКТ 1300-У” (Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod) equipped by an end endoscopic probe with outside diameter of 2.7 mm. In the device there used probe radiation with wave length of 1300 nm and power of 3 mW.
Results. By measuring the standard deviation of the OCT-signal intensity in orthogonal polarization there was stated that in the period between the 5th and the 12th days after fractional laser photothermolysis, the maximum increase of the quantity measured (p=0.001) occurs due to the increased collagen synthesis and the formation of new collagen fibers. It is in agreement with morphological study data. By the 28th day the signal intensity in the column area has recovered though not completely (p=0.001 compared to the initial level) and has reached the base value by the 90th day (p=0.31 compared to the initial one). No signal increase on the 90th day gives the evidence of collagen recovery in the laser damage area with no signs of fibrosis (scarring).
Conclusion. Cross-polarization optic coherence tomography can serve as an effective in vivo control method of oral mucosa regeneration after fractional laser photothermolysis. The criteria of successful gingival healing after photothermolysis are: 1) the presence of layer structure in direct polarization; 2) complete recovery of root-mean-square deviation of signal intensity in orthogonal polarization.
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