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Molecular and Cell Mechanisms of Singlet Oxygen Effect on Biosystems

Molecular and Cell Mechanisms of Singlet Oxygen Effect on Biosystems

Martusevich А.А., Peretyagin S.P., Martusevich А.К.
Key words: active oxygen, singlet oxygen, lipid peroxidation, photodynamic therapy.
2012, issue 2, page 128.

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There has been considered a poorly studied form of activated oxygen — singlet oxygen. Its physicochemical properties (electron configuration of a molecule, reactive capacity, features) are analyzed, and enzymic and nonenzymic ways of singlet oxygen generation in body are specified. There are shown in detail biological effects of the compound as a regulator of cell activity including that determining the mechanism of apoptosis initiation. The relation of singlet oxygen and photodynamic effect is described. There is organized the data on molecular and cell mechanisms of singlet oxygen effect of biological systems. Singlet oxygen due to its high reactivity is shown to have damage effect on structural proteins, enzymes and nucleic acids resulting in different pathologies (diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, cataract, etc.). On cell level, “the target” of singlet oxygen effect is cell membranes where phospholipid oxidative degradation is initiated by singlet oxygen. There is considered the role of singlet oxygen as a central molecule providing the effect of photodynamic therapy due to the regulation of “the ensemble” of active oxygen forms. The rational use of the properties of singlet oxygen as its active form is emphasized to be the base of photodynamic therapy. The latter is used in particular, in oncological and cardiosurgical pathologies.

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Martusevich А.А., Peretyagin S.P., Martusevich А.К. Molecular and Cell Mechanisms of Singlet Oxygen Effect on Biosystems. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (2): 128

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