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Protein Modifications and Lipid Composition Changes in Rat Lenses in Postnatal Development

Protein Modifications and Lipid Composition Changes in Rat Lenses in Postnatal Development

Knyazev D.I., Ivanova I.P.
Key words: lens; phospholipids; free-radical processes; posttranslational modifications of lens proteins.
2012, issue 4, page 36.

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The aim of the investigation is to study age dynamics of posttranslational protein modification level and the changes of rat lens membranes, and the consideration of possible mechanisms of membrane effect on the composition and intensity of protein modifications in lens.

Materials and Methods. The experiments were carried out on Wistar rats of three age groups: 1, 12 and 24 months. Protein level, sulfhydryl (SH) group concentration, and protein carbonyl derivatives level were measured spectrophotometrically. The content of tryptophan, bityrosine and advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) were assessed by fluorescence intensity. Phospholipids and neutral lipids were fractionated by thin-layer chromatography. Densitometric analysis and quantitative processing of chromatograms were performed using NIH Image J software.

Results. Protein content in lens homogenate was found to increase with age, indicating the accumulation of slightly soluble protein aggregates. There was uniform decrease of SH-group concentration and protein carbonyl derivatives in homogenate. On the other hand, there was observed the accumulation of AGEs, bityrosine and tryptophan in water-soluble fraction. The main age changes of lens membrane lipid composition were the increasing ratio of sphingomyelin and neutral lipids. The changes could be caused by the growth of the proportion of mature fibers forming the nucleus of lens compared to poorly- and medium-moderately fibers and cells of epithelium. The principal component of neutral lipids was cholesterol and cholesterol esters.

Conclusion. Lens membrane enrichment by lipids characterized by relatively high “ordering” inhibits the formation of protein carbonyl derivatives, but at the same time, can disbalance intercellular communication resulting in proteolysis (and tryptophan exposure) and AGEs accumulation.

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Knyazev D.I., Ivanova I.P. Protein Modifications and Lipid Composition Changes in Rat Lenses in Postnatal Development. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (4): 36

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