The Appraisal of the Role of Biochemical Indices in Diagnostic Presentation of Metabolic Syndrome Using Discriminant Analysis
The aim of the investigation is to assess the possibilities of discriminant analysis to determine the significance of some biochemical indices in metabolic syndrome development.
Materials and Methods. There were studied the biochemical parameters in blood plasma of 136 patients with metabolic syndrome and 50 virtually healthy people using standardized test systems. The findings were statistically processed by software package of statistical analysis R 2.11.0 and BIOSTAT.
Results. According to discriminant analysis of biochemical indices there was developed a prognostic model enabling to refer an experimental subject either to a group of patients with metabolic syndrome or to healthy people.
According to the analysis of discriminant functions there were determined variables that make a major contribution to pathogenic picture of metabolic syndrome and contain significant diagnostic information. Among these are: free cholesterol, the intensity of free radical oxidation, and the main products of oxidative protein modification. Thus, it can be argued that the important criteria in the development and progression of metabolic syndrome are both indicators of lipid metabolism, and indicators of oxidative stress.
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