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Recovery of Accommodative Capabilities of Ocular Pseudophakia

Recovery of Accommodative Capabilities of Ocular Pseudophakia

Ivonin K.S., Zamyrov А.А., Kudryavtseva Y.V., Chuprov А.D.
Key words: cataract; pseudophakic presbyopia; pseudophakic monovision; accommodative IOL; pseudo-accommodative IOL; multifocal IOL.
2012, issue 4, page 154.

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There are considered three modern prospective ways to solve the problem of pseudophakic presbyopia: development of induced anisometropia (monovision), and implantation of accommodative and pseudo-accommodative intraocular lens (IOL).

According to the findings of numerous studies, pseudophakic monovision enables to achieve good results of close-up and distant acuity of vision without correction. However, monovision use involves such limitations as individual intolerance to anisometropia, and the lack of stereoscopic vision.

Despite accommodative IOL have more potential, accommodative effect after the implantation of this type of lens is not always guaranteed. There can be several reasons for that, including inconsistency between IOL diameter and capsular sac diameter, incorrect capsulorrhexis diameter, increased or reduced ciliary muscle contraction, capsular sac fibrosis, synchysis corporis vitrei, posterior vitreous detachment, the change of lens ligament elasticity.

Currently, the use of pseudo-accommodative IOL is the most effective way of pseudophakic presbyopia correction, and among them the most effective ones are bifocal refractive and diffractive IOL. But along with the recognized advantages of the lens, they have a number of disadvantages, e.g. low intermediate vision.

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Ivonin K.S., Zamyrov А.А., Kudryavtseva Y.V., Chuprov А.D. Recovery of Accommodative Capabilities of Ocular Pseudophakia. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2012; (4): 154

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