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Angiogenic Factors Serum Level Variations in Pregnancy with Chronic Arterial Hypertension

Angiogenic Factors Serum Level Variations in Pregnancy with Chronic Arterial Hypertension

Volkova E.V., Djokhadze L.S., Lyssuk E.Yu.
Key words: PlGF; sFlt-1; endoglin; chronic arterial hypertension; pregnancy complications; gestational hypertension.
2013, volume 5, issue 1, page 91.

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The aim of the investigation was to study the change of vascular growth factors in physiological pregnancy, and pregnancy with chronic arterial hypertension.

Materials and Methods. We carried out a detailed clinical analysis of the gestation course of 69 pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension, and 49 women with normal pregnancy. All women underwent dynamic study of pro-angiogenic (PlGF) and anti-angiogenic (sFlt-1, endoglin) factor levels in blood serum on the 22–24, 28–34 weeks and after the 37 week of gestation.

Results. In complicated pregnancy the level of pro- and anti-angiogenic factors on the 22–24 weeks of gestation was no different from a normal level, on the 28–34 weeks there was the increase of concentration of anti-angiogenic sFlt-1 up to 5573±774 pg/ml (in control — 3299±544 pg/ml, p<0.001), and endoglin — up to 7.1±0.8 ng/ml (in control — 5.4±0.4 ng/ml, p<0.001). Simultaneously there was the decrease of pro-angiogenic PlGF (155.8±30.4 v. 238.5±66.1 pg/ml in control, p<0.05). On the 37 week of gestation the sFlt-1 level grew in both abnormal pregnancy, and normal pregnancy (13334±909 and 13298±740 pg/ml, respectively), while PlGF amount decreased (144.4±81.4 and 94.5±78.2 pg/ml, respectively, p<0.01).

Conclusion. In the third trimester of pregnancy there is the change of angiogenic factors balance in blood serum in pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension consisting in the increase of anti-angiogenic sFlt-1 and endoglin and the decrease of pro-angiogenic PlGF compared to the norm; it can indicate the abnormality of placentation processes.

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Volkova E.V., Djokhadze L.S., Lyssuk E.Yu. Angiogenic Factors Serum Level Variations in Pregnancy with Chronic Arterial Hypertension. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2013; 5(1): 91

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