The Problem of Wound Complications in Abdominal Wall Endoprosthesis Replacement in Ventral Hernias
The analysis of the data reported in literature has shown the use of synthetic endoprosthesis in herniology to have decreased the recurrence rate of hernias, but resulted in the increased frequency of wound complications, which are observed when different endoprostheses are used or have various locations in tissues. Wound complications occur both in open and laparoscopic operations. There have been considered the most common complications, such as seroma, infiltrate, etc., and estimated different risk factors of hernia development — obesity, the characteristics of performing operations, and hernia size, the number of recurrences. Special attention has been paid to fluid accumulations (seromas) in the anterior abdominal wall tissues after endoprosthetic repair. There have been mentioned current techniques to prevent wound complications: the reduction of operative intervention traumatism, new wound drainage types; physicochemical methods having an impact on the wound process course; the techniques based on the correction of immunological disorders, the use of cell technologies.
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