
Oxidative Stress Level and Anthropogenic Load Index as Prognostic Criteria of Disease Outcome in Patients with Oropharyngeal Cancer
The aim of the investigation was to assess the role of ecological problems and oxidative homeostasis parameters in life expectancy prognosis of oncology patients in the territories with different anthropogenic load level.
Materials and Methods. A group of oncology patients included 80 males with oropharyngeal tumors (III–IV stage tumors of oral and oropharyngeal cavity), mean age being 58.63±0.68. According to clinical and morphological characteristics of the disease, and social and adaptation criteria all the patients were referred to a homogeneous group. A control group consisted of 10 men from different territories with no oncology in past history.
Results. Pro-, antioxidant system components were found to be the markers of latent inhomogeneity in a group of patient with III–IV stage oropharyngeal tumors. Oxidative stress level in blood of patients with similar clinicopathologic and anatomical characteristics appeared to be different. Regression analysis findings showed the life expectancy in patients with III–IV stage oropharyngeal tumors to be associated with anthropogenic load index of residence place, red blood cell superoxide dismutase activity, maximum chemiluminescence intensity, TNF-α concentration, ketondinitrophenylhydrazine level in induced oxidation and malondialdehyde concentration in blood plasma.
Conclusion. The study has demonstrated for the first time the relationship of environmental factor and oxidative homeostasis parameters, and their integrated effect on life expectancy of oncology patients.
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