VVI Technique Possibilities in the Assessment of the Indices of Left Ventricular Systolic Function and All Its Segments
The aim of the investigation was to estimate Velocity Vector Imaging (VVI) feasibility in the study of left ventricular (LV) and all its segments of systolic function in healthy volunteers when developing standards.
Materials and Methods. 26 healthy volunteers without cardiovascular pathology were recruited and participated in the survey, their mean age being 21.7±3.0 years. LV systolic function using VVI was studied in apical 4-, 5- and 2-chamber views and in parasternal view along a short axis at the level of the mitral valve (LV basal segments), papillary muscles (LV middle segments), and the apex (LV apical segments). We analyzed the following indices: myocardial movement rate, strain (deformation), strain rate (rate of deformation), LV ejection fraction and volume.
Results. The comparison of LV systolic function indices using standard echocardiography and VVI technique showed VVI value in the assessment of the parameters to be rather high and able to acquire objective data on a large number of parameters. VVI enables to record even minimal LV dysfunctions, and the analysis of longitudinal, radial and circular fibers enables to assess transmural damage and reveal LV dysfunction mechanism. The indices of longitudinal, circular and radial deformation averaged –19.9±2.6, –21.6±5.5 and 32.3±7.6%, respectively. Strain rate of longitudinal, circular and radial fibers were –1.17±0.26, –1.32±0.44 and 1.58±0.32 s–1, respectively. LV systolic function indices obtained using VVI can serve as a norm in the assessment of the functioning of LV and all its segments.
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