Effectiveness of Radiotherapy Techniques After Breast-Conserving Surgery in Patients with Early Breast Cancer
The improvement of early diagnostics of breast cancer has resulted in the increased proportion of early forms of the disease in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. Enhancement of the existing and development of new breast conserving therapeutic techniques, as well as recurrence-free and total survival rate indices is of current concern. The obligatory radiotherapy for the remaining breast part has been shown to be the gold standard of such treatment.
The authors have analyzed the main current radiation techniques: boost to the tumor bed, radiation of regional metastasis areas. Particular attention is paid to a new technique, which is under study now — accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) in some patients. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods using the data of original studies have been presented.
There have been discussed the problems of clipping of a removed tumor bed using titanium wire clips, and the main criteria for selecting patients for accelerated partial breast irradiation.
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