Left Ventricular Myocardial Remodeling in Patients with End-Stage Chronic Renal Disease Corrected by Program Hemodialysis
The aim of the investigation was to assess structural and functional changes in the left ventricular (LV) myocardium in patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease (ECKD) receiving regular program hemodialysis (PHD) treatment depending on concomitant pathology.
Materials and Methods. We examined 88 patients with PHD ECKD and 15 patients before starting dialysis by 2-dimensional echocardiography with pulse-wave Doppler.
Results. PHD patients with ECKD were characterized by typical concentric remodeling and hypertrophy of LV (61.7%), normal LV geometry (33.3%), LV hypertrophy decrease after 30–36 months of PHD, the presence of pulmonary hypertension (50.7%) with LV systolic function maintained (ejection fraction 64±1.4%) and no increase of LV cavity. The slight growth of LV cavity was observed in a few cases (2.5% — eccentric remodeling, and 2.5% — eccentric hypertrophy).
Conclusion. Revealing LV cavity enlargement in patients with ECKD requires more precise definition of cardiological ailment diagnosis and administration of the appropriate therapy.
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