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Hyaluronic Acid in Treatment and Prevention of Postoperative Complications After Endoscopic Surgery for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Hyaluronic Acid in Treatment and Prevention of Postoperative Complications After Endoscopic Surgery for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Sorokin D.A., Puchkin A.B., Semenitchev D.V., Karpukhin I.V., Kochkin A.D., Zorin D.G., Sevryukov F.A.
Key words: benign prostatic hyperplasia; transurethral endoscopic surgery; URO-HYAL; hyaluronic acid drugs.
2015, volume 7, issue 4, page 97.

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The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the clinical effect of URO-HYAL, a hyaluronic acid preparation, in the treatment of dysuric disorders and prevention of complications after transurethral endoscopic surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Materials and Methods. A randomized study was carried out in two groups of patients operated for BPH using transurethral enucleation with bipolar and bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate. In the postoperative period, 51 patients of the main group underwent 6 intravesical instillations of URO-HYAL, 150 patients of the control group received standard antibiotic therapy. The clinical effect was assessed 1, 3, 6, 12 months after the surgery on the basis of the complex urological examination results and adenoma bed bioptate histology.

Results. Histological examination of the adenoma bed bioptate of patients after endoscopic surgery for BPH has shown that intravesical administration of URO-HYAL in the postoperative period enables almost 2.5-fold reduction of the wound surface epithelization period. One month after the surgery there have been significantly less manifestations of dysuric disorders, higher life quality and no late postoperative cicatricial complications in the main group as compared to the control.

Conclusion. Treatment with URO-HYAL preparation after endoscopic surgery for BPH has been proved by our investigations to be pathogenically reasonable, clinically effective, and especially important for patients with a complicated course of BPH.

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Sorokin D.A., Puchkin A.B., Semenitchev D.V., Karpukhin I.V., Kochkin A.D., Zorin D.G., Sevryukov F.A. Hyaluronic Acid in Treatment and Prevention of Postoperative Complications After Endoscopic Surgery for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2015; 7(4): 97,

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