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Application of Polymer Phospholipid Matrix for Closing Open Wounds on Oral Mucosa

Application of Polymer Phospholipid Matrix for Closing Open Wounds on Oral Mucosa

Ryabova D.A., Orlinskaya N.Y., Tsybusov S.N., Homutinnikova N.E., Lapshin R.D., Durnovo E.A.
Key words: defects of the oral cavity mucous membrane; cicatricial deformity; regeneration of oral mucosa; polymer phospholipid matrix; Reperen.
2016, volume 8, issue 1, page 55.

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The aim of the investigation was to assess the possibilities of application of the polymer matrix made from Reperen material for closing open wound surface on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

Materials and Methods. Experimental investigation was carried out on 15 Chinchilla rabbits. Half of the created defect on the hard palate mucous membrane healed under the Reperen polymer matrix, and the other half healed by secondary intention. The results of the histological and cytological examination were assessed on day 3, 5, and 7.

Results. The area of granulation and connective tissue in the specimens of mucosa, healing without the Reperen matrix on day 5 amounted to 25.0±1.2 and 15.0±1.1%, and on day 7 — 15.0±1.2 and 25.0±1.7%, respectively. Meanwhile, in the specimens of mucous membrane, healing under the Reperen polymer matrix, their values have essentially changed: they were 25.0±1.2 and 20.0±1.1% on day 3, and 10.0±1.3 and 40.0±1.7% on day 7.

Conclusion. The Reperen polymer matrix promotes intensification of the local regenerative processes in the wound and can be used for closing large open wound surfaces on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

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Ryabova D.A., Orlinskaya N.Y., Tsybusov S.N., Homutinnikova N.E., Lapshin R.D., Durnovo E.A. Application of Polymer Phospholipid Matrix for Closing Open Wounds on Oral Mucosa. Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine 2016; 8(1): 55,

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