Management of Pseudophakic Retinal Detachments by Endovitreal Surgery with Vitreal Cavity Tamponade by Silicone Oil and Air-Gas Mixture
The aim of the investigation was to assess the efficacy of using air-gas mixture as a substitute for vitreous body in microinvasive surgical management of primary pseudophakic retinal detachment (PRD) and its recurrence after extrascleral intervention performed by 25G endovitreal surgery technique.
Materials and Methods. Two groups of patients, which underwent vitrectomy with tamponade of the vitreal cavity by silicone oil or gas, were formed: group 1 (n=24) with primary unoperated PRD and group 2 (n=10) with recurrent PDR after extrascleral surgery. Both groups were further divided into subgroups: A — patients with vitrectomy and introduction of silicone oil; B — patients with vitrectomy and air-gas mixture.
Results. A comparative analysis of PRD surgical treatment data, carried out in our investigation, showed that in case of primary PRD treatment higher anatomical and functional results were achieved, when vitrectomy was made with application of silicone oil, which performed more controlled and prolonged tamponade of the vitreal cavity than in vitrectomy with replacement of the vitreous body by air-gas mixture.
In case of PRD recurrence after extrascleral surgery greater efficacy in comparison with the application of the silicone oil was revealed in vitrectomy and air-gas tamponade of the vitreal cavity if there were no coarse retinal fibrosis and large extension of redetached retina.
Conclusion. Only differentiated approach to the choice of temporal substitute of vitreous body after vitrectomy in patients with pseudophakic retinal detachment will allow the surgeons to achieve maximally feasible anatomical and functional results.
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